Sonic the cat Wiki
Kira cover

First posted

July 18th, 2013

Kira is one of the story arcs in the Sonic the Cat blog series. It is about the dark reveal of Kira the Cat.


When Lavender makes a new friend at school, she uncovers a dark secret that was never to be told—lurking in the shadows of a distant past, years before she was born...

F 6

from "Alibis"

8 point arc[]

(unedited original outline)


  • FLASHBACK: Sonic and Sally's breakup
  • Lavender wakes up in the morning and goes to school


  • Lavender's teacher introduces a new student - Kira.
  • Kira and Lavender quickly become friends.
  • Lavender visits Kira's house.
  • Sally is Kira's mother.

The quest:[]

  • Kira visits Lavender's house
  • Amy says Kira reminds her of Sonic
  • Lavender prevents Kira from revealing her mother's name.
  • Sonic and Amy try to figure out Kira's mother by picking up Lavender
  • See Pitch instead of Sally, confront her
  • Lavender blurts out that it isn't Pitch, but Sally.


  • Sonic and Amy realize Kira is Sonic's daughter
  • They confront Sally, and seperate Kira and Lavender.

Critical choice:[]

  • Lavender and Kira run away together
  • They bond over that their parents can't break


  • Sonic and Amy find out Lavender's gone, and Sally finds out Kira is gone.
  • The 3 run off to find them
  • They find them at Raindrop park
  • They try to seperate them, and they say no. 


  • They realize they can't be seperated.
  • They allow them to be close.


  • Amy forces Sonic and Sally to make up.